Video / 5/5 - There are enemies out there that want to destroy our union (VERTICAL - ENGLISH & SPANISH)
5/5 - There are enemies out there that want to destroy our union (VERTICAL - ENGLISH & SPANISH)
We won the BEST contracts EVER because we stood up to big casino corporations…and we beat them by fighting together. But there are enemies out there that want to destroy our union. The Virgin Hotel says ZERO raises for three years, and that is their last and final offer. Every employer in Las Vegas will try to take those big raises back if we allow that to happen to the Virgin workers. For 15 years, Stations Casinos has fired, intimidated, threatened workers, and denied them their right to have a union. Donald Trump is with them, not us. Trump thinks it’s okay to fire strikers. (LINK / Trump and his people want to ban card check neutrality - that’s the way we’ve organized every hotel on the Las Vegas strip, including the new Venetian contract. (LINK / And now Trump’s Republican buddies in Congress want to tax our health care. (LINK / Just like when we voted to go on strike last year, it’s time for us to vote for Kamala Harris for President. Today, Tuesday, November 5th is Election Day. If you are in line by 7pm, stay in line. You will be able to vote. // Ganamos los MEJORES contratos de la HISTORIA porque nos enfrentamos a las grandes corporaciones de casinos... y las vencimos luchando juntos. Pero hay enemigos que quieren destruir nuestro sindicato. El Virgin Hotel dice CERO aumentos durante tres años, y esa es su última y definitiva oferta. Todos los empleadores de Las Vegas intentarán retirar esos grandes aumentos si permitimos que eso les suceda a los trabajadores de Virgin. Durante 15 años, Stations Casinos ha despedido, intimidado, amenazado a los trabajadores y les ha negado su derecho a tener un sindicato. Donald Trump está con ellos, no con nosotros. Trump cree que está bien despedir a los huelguistas. (LINK / Trump y su gente quieren prohibir la neutralidad en la verificación de tarjetas - así es como hemos organizado todos los hoteles del Strip de Las Vegas, incluido el nuevo contrato de Venetian. (LINK / Y ahora los amigos republicanos de Trump en el Congreso quieren gravar nuestra atención médica. (LINK / Al igual que cuando votamos por ir a la huelga el año pasado, es hora de que votemos por Kamala Harris para presidenta. Hoy, martes 5 de noviembre, es el Día de las Elecciones. Si está en la fila a las 7pm, permanezca en la fila. Podrá votar.
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5/5 - There are enemies out there that want to destroy our union (ENGLISH & SPANISH)

5/5 - There are enemies out there that want to destroy our union (ENGLISH)

5/5 - There are enemies out there that want to destroy our union (VERTICAL - ENGLISH & SPANISH)

5/5 - Pero hay enemigos que quieren destruir nuestro sindicato (SPANISH)

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4/5 - Donald Trump is a Wall Street landlord & big corporate employer (ENGLISH)

4/5 - Donald Trump is a Wall Street landlord & big corporate employer (VERTICAL - ENGLISH & SPANISH)

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3/5 - Happy 89th anniversary, Culinary Union! (VERTICAL - ENGLISH & SPANISH)

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3/5 - Happy 89th anniversary, Culinary Union! (ENGLISH)

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2/5 - Who’s going to fight these big corporations? (VERTICAL)

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