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Culinary Union praises Biden's pro-labor leadership, backs his decision not to rerun

Nevada's most powerful union has released a statement regarding President Biden's decision not to seek re-election.

The statement read:

Culinary Union celebrates President Joe Biden's transformative administration and honors his decision to not seek re-election.

President Biden is a champion of workers and under his leadership, the most pro-union policies have been implemented. The National Labor Relations Board has held employers, like Station Casinos, accountable, and his plan (that was announced last week in Las Vegas) to cap rent increases and protect working families, stands in stark contrast to Trump Republicans, who refuse to take on price-gouging Wall Street landlords, big corporations, and the super rich. 

We know firsthand that he leads with his heart and we recognize our dear friend President Biden for his years of service, and we will continue to work alongside him to win for working people over the next six months. His legacy will be celebrated as his impact will be felt for decades to come.

Thank you, President Biden, for your leadership.

The Culinary Union also acknowledges Vice President Kamala Harris who has been a steadfast supporter of Culinary Union members and working people, and we are confident in her ability to continue the progress we’ve made.

By being united and staying focused on an economic message — addressing corporate price gouging on gas, groceries, and housing — we will defeat Donald Trump and extremism to ensure a future where working people can thrive.

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