After decreasing soda sales due to heightened awareness surrounding the health effects of sugary soft drinks, Coca-Cola decided to cash in on the energy drink trend by purchasing a stake in Monster Energy.
Researchers have shown that energy drinks can lead to adverse health events such as arrhythmias and seizures. Monster has been criticized for marketing to adolescents and refused to comply with certain marketing standards recommended by a U.S. Senate committee.
Help us demand that Coca-Cola drops its deal with Monster Energy!
Sign the petition:
Day of action: Tuesday, July 7
Did you know? @MonsterEnergy is criticized 4 marketing energy drinks 2 children. @CocaColaCo, #DoOneThing NoCokeMonster.org
The number of emergency visits from 2007-2011 involving energy drinks doubled - SAMHSA cc: @CocaColaCo NoCokeMonster.org
Energy drinks can cause major heart problems and seizures. @CokeZero, ditch @MonsterEnergy! UN#Drinkable NoCokeMonster.org
Some say @MonsterEnergy uses alcoholic references to market its product to children. NoCokeMonster.org cc: @CokeZero #UNThinkable
WOW! > @MonsterEnergy markets through @MonsterArmy, an “athlete dev program that supports athletes ages 13-21” NoCokeMonster.org
Parents concerned energy drinks will affect child’s neurological/ cardiovascular devel. NoCokeMonster.org cc: @CocaColaCo
Energy drinks can cause delirium, increased anxiety and hyperactivity. NoCokeMonster.org cc: @WorldofCocaCola #Happiness?
Energy drinks “may lead to a host of health problems in young people.” -AmerMedicalAssn cc: @CocaColaCo NoCokeMonster.org
AAPCC Alert 4 energy drinks! (bit.ly/1DSopJm) Tell @CocaColaCo to ditch @MonsterEnergy NoCokeMonster.org
Uh, @CocaColaCo/@MonsterEnergy…is #MonsterGirlMonday your plan for #5by20? NoCokeMonster.org
We demand that Coca-Cola protects our children and drops the deal with Monster Energy.PETITION: www.NoCokeMonster.org
Posted by Culinary Workers Union Local 226 on Tuesday, June 9, 2015